Midnight Soccer Madness

Category: Events


 Midnight Madness Indoor Soccer Tournament Feburary 18th, 2012


The 4th annual  Indoor soccer tournament is is planned for Saturday, Feburary 18th, 2012. The event will be host at 2 locations listed below accordinlgy.  Please contact ASL Comissionor Zia Panjshiri @ 571-421-5555 for details and team registration.

Draw @ 8 PM (Team Reps must be present)

Fields are open @ 9 PM

Kick off @ 9:30 PM


TheNzone (1st location) 8 PM - 12 AM

Phone: 703-266-0118



Dulles Sports Plex   (Second Location) 1:AM to 5:AM

          21610 Atlantic Blvd.

          Sterling, VA 20166
