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 About ASF

Afghan sports Federation (ASF) is a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. Metropolitan area. It is run by Afghan individuals, for the benefit of amateur sports among the Afghan youths and Adults both men and women at every level of excellence in the region, the United States and the world. Afghan Sports Federation was formally established in 1998 by a group of Afghan Soccer (Football) players and Soccer (Football) enthusiasts in the Metropolitan Washington DC area.


The aim of ASF is to create a center of guidance or counseling for Afghan athletes (men and women) who wants to be active in amateur sports or pursue professional career in any athletic field of his/her choice. To promote all amateur sports and operate as amateur sports federation. Serve as administrative umbrella to individual and team sports whom shall be called Associates of the Federation. Each Associate shall have at least one representative in the ASF Board of Directors who shall represent his/her Association in the Federation.

ASF Bodies

Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors  consist of the founding members of the Afghan Sports Federation. The highest authority in ASF is the Board of Directors, which convenes once every year. The Board of Directors decides on the statutes and their implementation, approves reports on financial detail and general authorities, adopts new members and elects officers. The General Assembly does not elect the members.


The officers of the Federation shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). They shall hold office until the next AGM.


There are two categories of membership: Regular and Honorary

Regular Members: Players, Clubs, Clubs official, Athletic Associations and Federation officers are regular members of the Federation. Regular members can hold office and eligible to vote.

Honorary Members: Is open to any individuals, regardless of national origin, race or gender, who are able to make contribution (monetary or otherwise) and supports the goals of the Federation. Honorary members can not hold office and are not eligible to vote. Any organization desiring to become member of this Federation shall submit a written application to the Executive secretary. The applicant shall include with the application a copy of its Bylaws, rules and regulations and other governing documents appropriate to understanding of the structure and activities of the organization. The Executive Secretary shall refer an application to the Executive committee for consideration to be forwarded to the Board of Directors for approval.

Economics: A solid financial base is absolutely essential for ASF to be able to carry out in manifold responsibilities efficiently and reliably. ASF is a nonprofit organization, so the member organizations only have to pay a modest annual subscription, and nominal entry fee to compete in tournaments sponsored by ASF or its affiliates. Any money accumulated by the Federation as a result of membership dues, fines, penalties, game receipts, contract overage or any other means shall become property of the Federation. All major expenditures require prior approval of the Board of Directors. The Federation checking account requires two signature for any amount over $100.

Meetings: The Annual General Meetings is held in January of each year, at a time and place designated by the Executive Board. Special or General Board meeting may be called at the request of the President or majority of the members of the Board of Directors. Absent officers and Directors may not be represented by vote of proxy at any meeting. The majority of the vote cast decides all questions except removal of officers and amendment to the Bylaws and Operating Rules of the Federation. Bylaws and Operating Rules can be amended at least by a majority of two-third of the members of the Board of Directors present at the Federation meeting and eligible to vote.

Note: No part of the net earning of the Federation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, directors, officers or other private person, except that the Federation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and make payment and distributions in furtherance of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal revenue Code. All activities of the Afghan Sports Federation Executive Board, members of the Board of Directors and all members are on volunteer basis. No member of the Federation will receive compensation for his/her involvement in any event sanctioned by the Federation. Upon the dissolution of this Federation, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (C)(3) on the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Long Term Goals

  • Build our own (ASF) Soccer Field(s), Gymnasiums for indoor activities of the Afghan Communities (Community Center(s)) in the United States and other countries.

  • Establish Afghan Sports Body Worldwide and participate in the future Olympics.

  • Establish an Afghan Soccer (Football) Body Worldwide and participate in the World Cups.